McLaughlin & Harvey Limited and Openhydro Group Limited (Patent) [2014] UKIntelP o07314 (11 February 2014)
Patent decision
BL number
Concerning rights in
EP(UK) 1980746
Hearing Officer
Mr J Elbro
Decision date
11 February 2014
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
McLaughlin & Harvey Limited and Openhydro Group Limited
Provisions discussed
Patents Act 1977 sections 7, 37
Entitlement, Inventorship
Related Decisions
The patent related to a deployment method for a turbine base which is deployed on the seabed. The claimant and the defendant worked together on a project in this area, and the dispute was whose employees had devised the invention.
The dispute hinged around what had occurred between the production by the claimant of two separate sets of slides - the second set showing the invention and the first (Produced a month earlier) not. The first set of slides showed an initially-buoyant turbine base deployed by a different method. It was apparent that the claimants had come up with the idea of using a heavier than water base instead, but the question was whether they had also devised the deployment method and communicated it to the defendant, or whether the defendant was already aware of the concept. The hearing officer found some difficulties with the evidence of the claimant’s witnesses and although he considered it not possible to be certain what the truth was, on the balance of probabilities he found that the invention was devised by the defendant’s employees.