Francis O’Hare and Deo Beauty Products Ltd & Australian Bodycare UK Ltd (Patent) [2013] UKIntelP o44913 (11 November 2013)
Patent decision
BL number
Concerning rights in
Hearing Officer
Mr H Jones
Decision date
11 November 2013
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Francis O’Hare and Deo Beauty Products Ltd & Australian Bodycare UK Ltd
Provisions discussed
Section 74B
Related Decisions
The patentee requested a review of Opinion 3/12 on the grounds that the examiner had misconstrued the claims and wrongly concluded that there was no infringement. The patent relates to a heater for depilatory wax and the invention is concerned with an adaptor arrangement for converting an open chamber wax heater into a wax tube heater. The Hearing Officer found that the examiner had misconstrued the meaning of the phrase “comprising a plate” and that this had led to the wrong conclusion on infringement. The Opinion was set aside.