For the whole decision click here: o33108
Request to adduce fresh evidence into the proceedings: Request refused.
Points Of Interest
In his decision dated 29 May 2008 (BL O/150/08) the Hearing Officer found in favour of the opponent. The applicant appealed to the Appointed Person and requested to be allowed to file fresh evidence in support of his application.
The Appointed Person noted, as had the Hearing Officer, that in his Counterstatement the applicant had accepted the use of the opponent’s marks INTEL and INTEL and device and the reputation of such marks. He had also accepted that INTEL stands for Integrated Electronics and had nothing to do with “intel” (intelligence colloquially abbreviated). Also, the applicant filed no evidence in support of his application even though there was ample opportunity for him to do so.
The Appointed Person considered the evidence which the applicant now wished to file and considered that it represented a change in position which the applicant had adopted at the outset. Also the additional evidence could have been filed and placed before the Hearing Officer when he was considering the opposition in the Registry. The Appointed Person went on to refuse the applicant’s request to be allowed to adduce fresh evidence into the proceedings.