For the whole decision click here: o22908
Section 5(2)(b): Opposition failed. Section 5(3): Opposition failed. Section 5(4)(a): Opposition failed.
Points Of Interest
The opposition was based on various DORMA marks, registered in various classes including Class 24.
The goods being identical the matter turned essentially on a comparison of the marks. The Hearing Officer, having made the comparison and having considered other relevant factors concluded that there was no likelihood of confusion and the Section 5(2)(b) objection failed. This decided the Section 5(4)(a) objection also.
The Hearing Officer then turned to a detailed assessment of the case under Section 5(3). He accepted that the opponents’ reputation was high but in the result he could find no obvious detriment to the distinctive character of the opponents’ mark, no obvious detriment to its repute and no unfair advantage taken of such character or repute. The opposition therefore failed on all grounds.