For the whole decision click here: o32005
Section 46(1)(a): - Not successful.
Section 46(1)(b): - Application partially successful.
Points Of Interest
The mark in suit was registered on 23 October 1922 so the request under Section 46(1)(a) related to a five year period following registration (not specified). The Hearing Officer decided that this claim to non-use during this period should not succeed since it would have been virtually impossible for the current proprietor to file evidence of use relating to this period.
As regards the five year period prior to the date of filing of the application, the registered proprietor claimed use of its mark across a range of goods in virtually all the Classes covered by the registration. However, all the evidence filed related essentially to vitamins, minerals and dietary supplements and despite submissions from the proprietor that such goods could be described as foodstuffs, the Hearing Officer decided that the registration should be cancelled in respect of all goods other than vitamins, minerals and dietary supplements in Class 5 and essential oils for foods in Class 3 (which had been conceded by the applicant for revocation).
Under Section 46(6)(b) the Hearing Officer decided that the date of revocation should be 11 September 2003, the date of the filing of the application for revocation.