For the whole decision click here: o27401
Section 5(2)(b): - Opposition successful in relation to Class 9 application. Application allowed to proceed in respect of Classes 37 and 42.
Points Of Interest
The opponents opposition was based on a registered mark in Class 9 consisting of three jigsaw pieces linked with a further piece detached. Both parties claimed use prior to the relevant date but close examination of the evidence filed did not substantiate such claims. As identical goods were concerned in relation to the Class 9 application the conflict rested on a comparison of the respective marks under Section 5(2)(b). Having considered the relevant aspects such as aural, visual and conceptual, the Hearing Officer reached the view that the applicants had captured the distinctive character of the opponents mark. He concluded that this could lead to an association between the two trade marks such that the public would wrongly believe that the respective goods come from the same or economically linked undertakings.