For the whole decision click here: o37200
Section 5(2)(b) - Opposition partially successful
Section 5(4)(a) - Opposition failed
Section 3(6) - Opposition failed
Points Of Interest
The Hearing Officer concluded under Section 5(2)(b) that the opponents CODA mark (plus variations thereof) were confusingly similar to the applicants CODAS mark and that the same goods and services and similar goods and services were at issue. Thus from a preliminary point of view the opposition was successful. However, the applicants had proceeded on the basis of honest concurrent use and it appeared they had used their mark from 1975 which was some six years prior to the opponents use of their mark. Up to the relevant date there had been some fourteen years concurrent use and no confusion had occurred. In the light of these facts the Hearing Officer concluded that if the applicants restricted their application to a limited range of goods in class 9, their application would be allowed to proceed.
Insofar as Section 5(4)(a) was concerned the Hearing Officer noted the applicants prior use, as compared to the opponents, and concluded that if the applicants continued to use their mark normally, as reflected in the proposed restricted specification, there would be no misrepresentation or damage to the opponents mark. Opposition on this ground failed. With regard to Section 3(6) there was insufficient evidence filed to justify a finding of bad faith.