Marlow v Information Commissioner [2006] UKIT EA_2005_0031 (31 August 2006)
Information Tribunal Appeal Number: EA/2005/0031
Determined without a hearing | Decision Promulgated |
31st August 2006 |
Christopher Ryan – Deputy Chairman
We have decided to substitute, for the Decision Notice issued by the Information Commissioner on 5 December 2005, a Decision Notice in the following terms:
Name of Public Authority: Melton Borough Council
Address of Public Authority:
Council OfficesName of Complainant:Mr G Marlow
Address of Complainant:
74 High StThe Decision Notice of the Information Commissioner dated 5 December 2005 shall stand and there shall be added to it the following:
Nature of Complaint
The Information Commissioner (the "Commissioner") received a complaint from the above person (the "complainant") which stated that on 17th April 2005 Melton Borough Council had been requested to disclose to the complainant material which it had described in correspondence as a "formal advisory system for lawyers".
It was alleged that:
the Council had failed to comply with that request.
The Information Tribunal, having concluded that the Information Commissioner had wrongly declined to issue a Decision Notice in respect of that complaint, issues this Decision Notice as follows:
The Council complied with section 1(1) of the Act in that it communicated to the complainant the information which, at the relevant time, it held in respect of a database of statutory material (the "formal advisory system" referred to above), over which it had limited rights of access as a licensee.
Section 1(1) of the Act states:
"Any person making a request for information to a public authority is entitled –
(a) to be informed in writing by the public authority whether it holds information of the description specified in the request, and
(b) if that is the case, to have that information communicate to him."
Action Required
No action is required in light of the decision that has been reached.
Dated the 31st day of August 2006
Signed: …
Deputy Chairman
"20 The obligation of a public authority under Section 1 of the FOIA is to state whether or not it "holds" information requested and, if so, to disclose that information, unless it is covered by one of the exemptions set out in the Act. To what extent, therefore, can it be said that the Council "held" information contained in the Butterworths database at the time when Mr Marlow made his request? Once particular information on that database has been identified, selected, downloaded and saved on the subscriber's computer system then it is in our view clearly information that is "held" by the subscriber. Information printed direct from screen is also "held" by the subscriber who has possession of the printed version. Some information that fell within either of those categories has, of course, already been provided to Mr Marlow, under cover of the Council's letter of 1 March 2005.
"21 The question of what other information on the database may properly be regarded as "held" by a subscriber will depend on two factors. The first is the terms of the contract between the subscriber and the owner of the database and the second is the technical means by which the subscriber may access the database. The two are, of course, connected in that the contract between the parties is likely to place limitations on the right to access/download material, and technical features will go some way to enforce those restrictions. The contract may, for example, limit the number of individuals, or individual computers, which may access the database. Or it may provide that only a limited number of searches may be conducted simultaneously. In both cases the communication system between the subscriber and the database may monitor and block excessive usage. In other respects the control imposed by the subscriber will be purely contractual. It may provide that information obtained from the database must be used only for the subscriber's own purpose and must not be distributed as part of a separate commercial service to third parties. Alternatively, it may allow for reproduction and use, provided that there is adequate acknowledgement of source and copyright.
"22 We have no doubt that in the great majority of cases the total body of information, held on a third party's database and capable of being accessed by a public authority under subscriber rights of the type that we have described in the preceding paragraph, should not be characterised as having been "held" by the public authority. It is not so easy to discern the stage between that situation, at one extreme, and the downloading and/or printing of a specific item, at the other, at which it may be said that the information is "held" by the subscriber. It is conceivable that cases will exist where the subscriber has such unrestricted rights to access, use and exploit a third party's database (perhaps subject to appropriate attribution) that it may be said that information on it is "held" by the subscriber, even before an online search facility is operated in order to identify a particular item or items."
Sub-clause1.1. "You are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited licence to access and use for research purposes the Online Services and Materials from time to time made available to you. This licence includes:
(a) The right to electronically display Materials retrieved from the Online Services to no more than one person at a time, subject to the Supplemental Terms for Specific Materials:
(b) The right to obtain a printout of Materials via printing commands of the web browser and to create a single printout of Materials downloaded via downloading commands of the web browser (collectively, "Authorised Printouts"); ….
(e) …the right to retrieve via downloading commands of the web browser and store in machine-readable form for no more that ninety (90) days, primarily for one person's exclusive use, a single copy of insubstantial portions of those Materials …"
Sub-clause 1.2. "To the extent permitted by applicable copyright law and not further limited or prohibited by the Supplemental Terms for Specific Materials, you may make copies of Authorised Printouts and distribute Authorised Printouts and copies."
Sub-clause 1.3. "Except as specifically provided in Sections 1.1 and 1.2, you are prohibited from downloading, storing, reproducing, transmitting, displaying, copying, distributing or using Materials retrieved from the Online Services. You may not print or download Materials without using the printing or downloading commands of the web browser. ….."
Sub-clause 1.6. "You may not remove or obscure the copyright notice or other notices contained in Materials retrieved from the Online services."
Dated the 31st day of August 2006
Deputy Chairman