14 February 2017, Health (NHS)
Through six requests, the complainant has requested information from Robin Lane Medical Centre (‘the Centre’) about its patients. The Centre says that some of the requested information is exempt from disclosure under section 21 of the FOIA as it is already reasonably accessible to the complainant. The Centre refused to comply with the remainder of the requests under section 12 as to do so would exceed the appropriate time and cost limit. The Commissioner finds that the six requests can be aggregated for the purposes of applying section 12 and that section 12(1) applies to all the requests. The Commissioner’s decision is that the Centre is not obliged to comply with them. The Commissioner finds, however, that the Centre did not provide the complainant with appropriate advice and assistance in accordance with its obligation under section 16. The Commissioner requires the public authority to take the following step to ensure it complies with the legislation: Provide the complainant with advice and assistance in accordance with the obligation under section 16 of the FOIA.
FOI 12: Not upheld FOI 16: Upheld