9 March 2017, Local government (Borough council)
The complainant has requested information on empty houses within the council area. Amongst other information he requested the addresses of the properties and how long they have been empty. The council has applied section 31(1)(a) to the information. During the course of the investigation the council disclosed much of the information to the complainant however it withheld the addresses of the properties. The Commissioner’s decision is that the council was correct to apply section 31(1)(a) to the addresses of the properties and the public interest rests in the exception being maintained. The Commissioner has also decided that section 40(2) was applicable to withhold the information. The Commissioner has however decided that the council did not comply with the requirements of section 10(1) in that it did not respond to the complainant's first request within 20 working days. The Commissioner does not require the council to take any steps.
EIR 31(1)(a): Not upheld EIR 40(2): Not upheld EIR 10(1): Upheld