25 July 2017, Local government (District council)
The complainant submitted a request to the London Borough of Southwark (the Council) for a copy of the development partnership agreement it signed with Notting Hill Housing Trust in relation to the redevelopment of the Aylesbury Estate. The Council disclosed this document but redacted certain parts of it on the basis of regulation 12(5)(e) (commercial confidentiality) of the EIR. The Commissioner has decided that for some of the redactions the exception is engaged and the public interest favours withholding the information. However, in respect of the remaining information the Commissioner has decided that the exception is either not engaged, or it is engaged but the public interest favours disclosing the information. The Council also breached regulation 11(4) of the EIR by failing to complete an internal review of its original response to the request.
EIR 12(5)(e): Partly upheld EIR 11(3): Upheld