22 November 2016, Local government (City council)
The complainant has requested consultation responses and other associated information regarding the planning application 108705/FO/2015/C1 at Manchester City Council (the council). The council failed to issue a valid refusal notice. At internal review the council provided some information and arrangements were made to view the remaining information. The Commissioner’s decision is that the council failed to comply with regulation 14 in failing to issue a valid refusal notice. It also breached regulation 5(2) in providing the requested information outside the required time frame of 20 working days. However, the Commissioner finds that the council has complied with regulation 5(1) as it has provided or made available all information within the scope of the request, and has complied with regulation 9.
EIR 5(1): Not upheld EIR 5(2): Upheld EIR 9: Not upheld EIR 14: Upheld