9 June 2016, Private companies
The complainant has requested information relating to the transfer of Manchester Corporation's waterworks undertaking at Lake Thirlmere to United Utilities. United Utilities provided the complainant with relevant title numbers which it said could be obtained from HM Land Registry (HMLR). It said that it did not hold any further information under regulation 12(4)(a) EIR. The complainant considers that United Utilities holds a scheme relevant to the above transfer dated 31 August 1989. United Utilities has confirmed that it does not hold such a scheme. The Commissioner considers that United Utilities was correct to confirm that it does not hold a scheme relevant to the above transfer dated 31 August 1989 under regulation 12(4)(a) EIR. The Commissioner requires no steps to be taken. This decision notice is currently under appeal to the Tribunal.
EIR 12(4)(a): Not upheld