7 December 2015, Central government
The complaint has requested various items of information in respect of the activities of Visit Wales and its use of two images of Dylan Thomas. Whilst the Welsh Government provided some information, it confirmed that it did not hold information in respect of certain items. It also relied on sections 21, 40, 41 and 42 of the FOIA to refuse a significant amount of the requested information. The Commissioner’s decision is that the Welsh Government has correctly refused the request under sections 42, 41 and 21, however in failing to provide relevant information within the time for compliance and to issue a valid refusal notice, the Welsh Government has breached section 10(1) and section 17(1) of the FOIA respectively. The Commissioner does not require the public authority to take any steps.
FOI 10: Upheld FOI 17: Upheld FOI 21: Not upheld FOI 40: Not upheld FOI 41: Not upheld