23 March 2015, Local government (County council)
The complainant has requested information in several parts in relation to a named councillor, dates of deaths of residents at a care home and information on legionnaires. Hampshire County Council (the council) provided information to parts 4 to 6b of the request, advised that it did not hold information for parts 7 and 8 and refused to provide the information for parts 1 to 3 of the request, relying on section 40(2) of the FOIA to refuse it. The Commissioner’s decision is that the council has provided the information it holds for parts 4 to 6b of the request, does not hold the information requested in parts 7 and 8, and has correctly relied on section 40(2) of the FOIA to withhold the information requested for parts 1 to 3 of the request. The Commissioner does not require the council to take any steps.
FOI 40: Not upheld