5 February 2015, Central government
The complainant requested a file catalogued at the National Archives with the reference PREM 19/1368 but which is still retained by the Cabinet Office. The Cabinet Office cited section 22 (information intended for future publication), section 37 (communications with the Royal Family), section 40 (unfair disclosure of personal data) and section 41 (information provided in confidence) as its basis for refusal. It upheld this position at internal review. It added provisions of section 37 as its basis for non-disclosure of some of the requested information during the Commissioner’s investigation. The Commissioner’s decision is that the Cabinet Office is entitled to rely on the exemptions it has cited as its basis for refusing to provide the information contained in file PREM 19/1368. No steps are required.
FOI 22: Not upheld FOI 37: Not upheld FOI 40: Not upheld FOI 41: Not upheld