10 September 2014, Local government (Other)
The complainants have requested information about burial procedures and associated processes undertaken by Wolston, Brandon and Bretford Joint Burial Committee (WBBJBC). WBBJBC has considered the requests as vexatious and applied FOIA section 14. The Commissioner’s decision is that in respect of the request dated 24 September 2010 WBBJBC has provided all the information held. In respect of the remaining requests, he finds that WBBJBC has correctly applied section 14. He notes however that section 14 was applied to some of the requests outside the statutory time limit of 20 working days and therefore WBBJBC has breached section 17(5) of the FOIA. He does not require any steps to be taken. Information Tribunal appeal EA/2014/0250 dismissed.
FOI 14: Not upheld