Summary: The complainant has requested information from Gloucestershire County Council (-the council-) relating Bunn Fertiliser Limited. The council initially refused to neither confirm nor deny holding information relevant to the complainant-s request in reliance of the exemptions provided by the FOIA at sections 24(2) (national security), 31(3) (law enforcement) and 43(2) (commercial interests). Following the involvement in this case of the Information Commissioner, the council withdrew its -neither confirm nor deny- position and its reliance on section 43(2). The council did however assert that it was entitled to withhold the information it holds in reliance of sections 24(1) and 31(1)(a). The Commissioner-s decision is that the council is entitled to rely on section 24(1) of the FOIA as the basis for withholding the information sought by the complainant. No steps are required.
Section of Act/EIR & Finding: FOI 24 - Complaint Not upheld