Summary: The complainant has requested from Long Sutton Parish Council (the Council) copies of notes and communications broadly relating to the operation of FOIA and the processing of information requests. In addition, he has asked to be provided with a copy of the plans of a particular cemetery. The Council initially advised that it was only prepared to provide information in hard-copy. However, following the Commissioner-™s intervention, the Council agreed to supply some of the requested information electronically. The Commissioner has been asked to consider the procedural issues connected to the Council-™s handling of the requests and has found that it breached sections 10(1) (time for compliance) and 16(1) (advice and assistance) of FOIA. However, he does not require any steps to be taken as a result of this notice.
Section of Act/EIR & Finding: FOI 10 - Complaint Upheld, FOI 16 - Complaint Upheld