Summary: The complainant has requested information about the visit of the then Prime Minister, John Major, to Moscow in September 1991, focussing on information about the failed coup in the Soviet Union of August 1991 and matters relating to Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania of the same period. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (-FCO-) refused to provide this relying on the International Relations exemption (section 27 of the FOIA) and the Ministerial Communications exemption (section 35) as its reasons for doing so. It also explained that it was refusing to confirm or deny whether it held other relevant information citing the exclusions at section 23 (Security Bodies) and section 24 (National Security) as its reasons for doing so. It revised it position at internal review and disclosed some information to the complainant. However, it withheld some information reaffirming its reliance on section 27 as its basis for doing so. It also explained to the Commissioner that it continued to refuse to confirm or deny whether it held other relevant information on the basis of the exclusions at section 23 and section 24. The Commissioner-s decision is that the FCO is entitled to rely on the exemptions it has cited as a basis for withholding information it holds within the scope of the request. It is also entitled to rely on the exclusions it has cited as a basis for refusing to confirm or deny whether it holds other information within the scope of the request. No steps are required.
Section of Act/EIR & Finding: FOI 23 - Complaint Not upheld, FOI 24 - Complaint Not upheld, FOI 27 - Complaint Not upheld