Summary: The complainant requested information from Holme Valley Parish Council (-the council-) relating to the registration of particular land with the land registry in 2006. The council said that it did not hold any relevant information because all its records about the matter had been transferred to a land charity of which the council is the sole trustee. The Commissioner-s decision is that the request should be considered under the terms of the Environmental Information Regulations (-the EIR-). During the Commissioner-s investigation, the council conceded that it held further relevant information, which was made available to the complainant. The Commissioner found that on the balance of probabilities, no further information falling within the scope of the request was held by the council with the exception of information that may be held within archived minutes. The Commissioner found breaches of regulation 5(1) and 5(2) of the EIR because of the late disclosure of relevant information.
Section of Act/EIR & Finding: EIR 5 - Complaint Upheld, EIR 5 - Complaint Upheld