Summary: Southwest One is a joint venture between the Somerset County Council, Avon and Somerset Police Authority, Taunton Deane Borough Council and IBM in order to manage support services for the three public authorities. The complainant submitted a request to Somerset County Council (the Council) for a copy of the MoU signed by the three public bodies which dealt with a number of issues regarding their engagement with Southwest One. The Council disclosed a copy of this contract but redacted certain parts of it on the basis of section 43 of FOIA, the commercial prejudice exemption. The Commissioner-™s decision is that some of the redactions -“ the -˜Deferred Payment Redactions-™ - are not exempt from disclosure on the basis of section 43(2); further redactions -“ the -˜Apportionment Redactions-™ - are exempt from disclosure on the basis of section 43(2) but the public interest favours disclosure of these redactions; and a final set of redactions -“ the -˜Percentage Increases in Services Redactions-™ - are exempt from disclosure on the basis of section 43(2) and for this information the public interest favours maintaining the exemption. The Commissioner requires the Council to provide the complainant with unredacted copies of the parts of the MoU to which the -˜Deferred Payment Redactions-™ and the -˜Apportionment Redactions-™ have been applied.
Section of Act/EIR & Finding: FOI 43 - Complaint Partly Upheld