Summary: The complainant requested information from Wath Comprehensive School (the -School-) in relation to minutes of various meetings and briefings. The School has said that it does not hold information in respect of point 2 of the request and has applied section 40(2) to part of the information requested in point 3 of the request. The Commissioner-s decision is that the School does not hold the information requested in point 3 and has correctly applied section 40(2) to the majority of the withheld information. However, he finds that in the circumstances of the case some of the information should be disclosed. The Commissioner requires the School to disclose some of the withheld information relevant to point 3 of the request - namely the information contained within the -Special Considerations- and -Mentor Payments- sections of the Staffing Committee Minutes of 12 October 2010 with names redacted.
Section of Act/EIR & Finding: FOI 40 - Complaint Partly Upheld