Summary: The complainant requested a copy of an independent review (the -Newton Report-) into the circumstances of the fraud committed by the former manager of the South Yorkshire Trading Standards Unit. Sheffield City Council (the -council-) refused to provide the information on the grounds that it was intended for future publication and because it considered that the information was -commercially sensitive-. The Commissioner-s decision is that the public authority has failed to demonstrate that the exemptions are engaged. The Commissioner has decided that a small quantity of information contained within the Newton Report should be withheld because it constitutes an individual-s sensitive personal data. The Commissioner requires the public authority to disclose the withheld information, subject to the redactions identified in the confidential annex.
Section of Act/EIR & Finding: FOI 22 - Complaint Upheld, FOI 40 - Complaint Not upheld, FOI 43 - Complaint Upheld