Summary: The complainant requested a copy of the -˜national database of addresses-™ referred to on the TV licensing website. This is known as the -˜TVL database-™. He also specified a preference as to format. The BBC refused to provide the information and in its refusal notice considered that sections 12(1) [the costs limits] and 40(2) [personal data] were appropriate exemptions. In its internal review, it also relied upon section 43(2) [commercial interests] and 44(1)(a) [statutory bar]. The complainant then made a complaint to the Information Commissioner (-˜the Commissioner-™). During the course of his investigation, the complainant confirmed that his complaint concerned only the address fields of the database. The BBC also applied section 21(1) to the information that was available from Royal Mail. After careful consideration, the Commissioner considers that section 43(2) exemption was correctly engaged to the information within the scope of the complaint. However, he has found procedural breaches of sections 10(1), 17(1)(b), 17(1)(c) and 17(3). The Commissioner requires no remedial steps to be taken in this case.
Section of Act/EIR & Finding: FOI 10 - Complaint Upheld, FOI 17 - Complaint Upheld, FOI 43 - Complaint Not upheld