Summary: The complainant requested the -˜original list-™ that was considered when assessing the council tax banding of his street. The -˜original list-™ was a document that was provided around 1993 by the Valuation Office Agency (-˜VOA-™) to each local authority to enable them to place a council tax banding on each property in their area. The VOA replied that it no longer held the -˜original list-™ but was able to recreate the information that was on it by interrogating its computer database. It explained that his local authority may also hold the original list and advised the complainant to ask for it. The complainant did not believe that the VOA did not hold the recorded information that he requested. The Commissioner has concluded that, on the balance of probabilities, the VOA did not hold the -˜original list-™ and had complied with its obligations under FOIA. It also provided adequate advice and assistance. Information Tribunal appeal EA/2011/0299 struck out.
Section of Act/EIR & Finding: FOI 16 - Complaint Not upheld