Summary: The complainant requested copies of Expression of Interest (-EoI-) and Sift forms for the eight successful candidates who applied to be Project Advisers in a Community Outreach programme. The DWP replied to the request for the EoI forms, providing heavily redacted forms. It did not reply to the request for the Sift forms. The complainant asked for an internal review and the DWP disclosed more information from the EoI forms. The complainant asked again for the Sift forms and the DWP provided redacted copies. The complainant requested a Decision Notice in relation to the delays he had experienced. The Commissioner finds that the DWP breached sections 10(1), 17(1) and 17(1)(b) of the Act. He does not require any remedial steps to be taken because the complainant has already received the information to which he was entitled.
Section of Act/EIR & Finding: FOI 10 - Complaint Upheld, FOI 17 - Complaint Upheld