Summary: The complainant requested London Borough of Camden (-˜the council-™) to release information relating to The Church of Scientology Religious Education College-™s (COSREC) applications for mandatory and discretionary rate relief. Initially the Council refused to disclose this information, citing sections 31(1)(d) and 42 of the Act. During the Commissioner-™s investigation the Council withdrew its reliance on these exemptions and released the information it holds relating to COSREC-™s application for mandatory rate relief to the complainant. Concerning COSREC-™s application for discretionary rate relief, the Council confirmed that it received a separate application for this relief but it was unable to provide a copy, as it was no longer held. As the complainant remained dissatisfied that the Council was unable to provide this information, the Commissioner made further enquiries to the Council. In conclusion, the Commissioner is satisfied that on the balance of probabilities the Council no longer holds COSREC-™s application for discretionary rate relief, as it was destroyed more than three months prior to the complainant-™s request in accordance with the Council-™s records management policy. He is therefore satisfied that overall the Council has now complied with section 1 of the Act and therefore requires no further action to be taken. The Commissioner has also found that the Council breached sections 1(1)(b) and 10(1) through its handling of the request.
Section of Act/EIR & Finding: FOI 1 - Complaint Partly Upheld, FOI 10 - Complaint Upheld