Summary: The complainant requested information created as a result of the council-™s job evaluation exercise. The Commissioner-™s decision is that Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council (-˜the council-™) has incorrectly applied the exemption at section 36(2)(c) of the Freedom of Information Act (-˜the Act-™) to four of the complainant-™s requests for information. He however finds that the council has disclosed all of the information that it holds in relation to two other requests. The council has breached section 10(1) of the Act by failing to comply with section 1(1) within 20 working days. The Commissioner requires the council to disclose the information withheld under section 36(2)(c) to the complainant.
Section of Act/EIR & Finding: FOI 10 - Complaint Upheld, FOI 36 - Complaint Upheld