Summary: The complainant requested information relating to the independent valuation of a number of properties. The valuations had been obtained because the Council wished to purchase the properties as part of a redevelopment scheme. The Council refused to provide the information, citing the exclusions under section 12(1), 14(1) and 14(2). It also sought to rely on the exemption under section 41(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (-the FOIA-). The Information Commissioner (-the Commissioner-) decided that the information request should have been handled under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (-the EIR-). He also considered that the information sought represented the personal data of the property owners and that it was exempt from disclosure under regulation 13(1) of the EIR. He found that the Council breached regulation 14(1), 14(2) and 11(2) of the EIR but he requires no steps to be taken.
Section of Act/EIR & Finding: EIR 11 - Complaint Upheld, EIR 13 - Complaint Not upheld, EIR 14 - Complaint Upheld, EIR 14 - Complaint Upheld