Summary: The complainant requested information relating to a particular council officer-s remuneration package and early retirement. The Council disclosed some information but withheld other information using the exemptions under section 40(2) and 42(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (-the FOIA-). In relation to the latter exemption, the Council considered that the public interest did not favour disclosure. The Commissioner investigated and decided that some of the information had been correctly withheld using section 40(2) and section 42(1) however he considered that the Council should have disclosed two reports in their entirety along with the majority of another report and the majority of some notes written by the Chief Executive. He requires the Council to disclose this information within 35 days. The Commissioner found the Council in breach of section 1(1)(a), 1(1)(b), 10(1), 17(1) and 17(1)(a)(b) and (c) of the FOIA.
Section of Act/EIR & Finding: FOI 10 - Complaint Upheld, FOI 17 - Complaint Upheld, FOI 40 - Complaint Partly Upheld, FOI 42 - Complaint Partly Upheld