Summary: The complainant requested a copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, held on 11 January 2010. The public authority disclosed a limited amount of information in relation to the identities of the attendees and the topics on the meeting-™s agenda. However, it withheld the majority of the information under section 35(1)(a). During the investigation of the case the public authority disclosed much of the previously withheld information. However, it continued to withhold some information under section 35(1)(a). Additionally, it also relied upon section 40(2) to withhold some information. After investigating the case the Commissioner decided that the public authority was correct to rely upon section 35(1)(a) to withhold some of the information in question. However, he concluded that section 40(2) is not engaged in relation to some of the withheld information, and that therefore this information should be disclosed. In addition to this, the Commissioner also found that the public authority did not meet with the requirements of sections 1, 10 and 17.
Section of Act/EIR & Finding: FOI 10 - Complaint Upheld, FOI 17 - Complaint Upheld, FOI 35 - Complaint Partly Upheld, FOI 40 - Complaint Upheld