Summary: The complainant requested a considerable amount of information about the BBC-™s Panorama programme. The Commissioner has previously issued a number of Decision Notices in relation to complaints he has received. A number of further complaints were originally closed informally. However the complainant has subsequently indicated that he requires a decision in relation to those complaints. Therefore, this Decision Notice will address the complaints regarding information requests in respect of which no previous Decision Notice has been issued. This excludes those complaints that have been expressly withdrawn by the complainant. The Commissioner has carefully considered this case. His decision is that the BBC correctly determined that, if it existed, all recorded information relevant to the requests that are the subject of this Decision Notice would be held genuinely for the purposes of journalism. Therefore the BBC was not obliged to comply with Parts I to V of the Act in relation to those requests.
Section of Act/EIR & Finding: FOI 1 - Complaint Not upheld, FOI 16 - Complaint Not upheld