Summary: The complainant requested a number of items of information from All Saints (CE) Primary School (-˜All Saints-™). Although All Saints responded by providing a significant amount of the requested information, it refused two parts of the request, which asked for the contact details of governors at the public authority and information pertaining to the complaints it had received in 2009/10. These were refused under section 40(2) and section 41(1) of the Act respectively. During the course of the Commissioner-™s investigation, All Saints agreed to clarify the nature of the complaints it had received but maintained its refusal of the governors-™ contact details. Apart from one piece of information that was also disclosed during the investigation, the Commissioner finds that the governors-™ contact details would constitute their personal data and that the disclosure of this personal data would be in breach of the first data protection principle. The Commissioner therefore considers that All Saints was correct to apply section 40(2) to the information. However, the Commissioner has determined that All Saints breached sections 1(1)(b), 10(1) and 17(7) by its handling of the request.
Section of Act/EIR & Finding: FOI 10 - Complaint Upheld, FOI 17 - Complaint Upheld, FOI 40 - Complaint Not upheld