Summary: The complainant requested information about how many letters the public authority had sent out where it stated that it was refusing to correspond with their recipient about a specific medal. The public authority applied section 14(1) to the request. It explained that in its view the request was vexatious. It maintained its position in its internal review. The Commissioner has considered this case carefully and has determined that a reasonable public authority could find the request for information vexatious. He therefore upholds the application of section 14(1) and dismisses the complaint. There were some procedural breaches of section 10(1) and 17(5) as a response was not issued to the request within twenty working days of its receipt, but the Commissioner requires no remedial steps to be taken.
Section of Act/EIR & Finding: FOI 10 - Complaint Upheld, FOI 14 - Complaint Not upheld, FOI 17 - Complaint Upheld