Summary: The Civil Service Commission (CSC) can hear and determine complaints raised by civil servants under the Civil Service Code, the code of ethics which forms part of the terms and conditions of every civil servant. The complainant in this case requested details of any settled appeals, i.e. the appeals which the CSC had reached a decision on. The CSC provided the complainant with the final reports or concluding letters for the 9 relevant appeals but made the following redactions to each: the name of the individual who brought the appeal on the basis of section 40(2) and the name of the department about which the appeal was about, including any details which might identify the department, on the basis of section 41(1). Whilst the complainant did not dispute the decision to withhold the names of the individuals who brought the appeals on the basis of section 40(2) he did dispute the application of section 41(1) as a basis to redact the remaining information. Having considered the circumstances of this case carefully the Commissioner has concluded that section 41(1) has been correctly applied.
Section of Act/EIR & Finding: FOI 10 - Complaint Upheld, FOI 17 - Complaint Upheld, FOI 41 - Complaint Not upheld