Summary: The complainant asked for the information contained in a closed part of a file held by The National Archives (-˜TNA-™). The file in question was entitled -˜Situation in Katanga: correspondence between Sir R Welensky and the Prime Minister-™. TNA argued that the information was exempt from disclosure on the basis of section 27(1)(a) because disclosure would be likely to prejudice the UK-™s relations with the Democratic Republic of Congo and 27(1)(b) because disclosure would be likely to prejudice the UK-™s relations with the UN. The Commissioner has concluded that section 27(1)(b) is not engaged. In respect of section 27(1)(a) he has concluded that it is only engaged in respect of a small portion of the withheld information. However, where section 27(1)(a) is engaged, the public interest favours maintaining the exemption. Information Tribunal appeal number EA/2010/0100 allowed.
Section of Act/EIR & Finding: FOI 10 - Complaint Upheld, FOI 17 - Complaint Upheld, FOI 27 - Complaint Partly Upheld