Summary: The complainant asked Nottingham City Council for various pieces of information regarding the Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) scheme for each year since its introduction in 2001. Nottingham City Council provided information in relation to all but one of the requests, to which it applied section 12. During the course of the Commissioner-™s investigation, the public authority provided the complainant with similar information to that which he had requested which was more readily accessible, in order to try and informally resolve the case. The complainant did not wish to withdraw his complaint regarding the initial refusal of his request. The Commissioner therefore investigated whether section 12(1) was appropriately used as a basis to refuse the complainant-™s request. He has concluded that Nottingham City Council was correct to refuse the request under section 12(1) of the Act. He has however found that the public authority breached section 16 in failing to provide sufficient advice and assistance. However, given that the complainant is satisfied with the information that was disclosed during the course of the investigation the Commissioner requires no steps to be taken by the public authority in this regard.
Section of Act/EIR & Finding: FOI 12 - Complaint Not upheld, FOI 16 - Complaint Upheld