Summary: The complainant submitted a request to the Northern Ireland Office, for information relating to a murder investigation. The public authority withheld the information claiming it was exempt under sections 31(1)(c), 38(1)(a), 38(1)(b), 40(2) and 44(1)(c) of the Act. The public authority also refused to confirm or deny whether it held further information, citing sections 23(5) and 24(2). The Commissioner finds that the public authority correctly relied on sections 23, 24 and 31(1)(c) to refuse the request. As the Commissioner finds that these exemptions are correctly engaged, the Commissioner does not need to consider the application of the remaining exemptions to the requested information. The Commissioner directs that there are no further steps to be taken.
Section of Act/EIR & Finding: FOI 23 - Complaint Not upheld, FOI 24 - Complaint Not upheld, FOI 31 - Complaint Not upheld