Summary: The complainant submitted a request to Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council (-˜the Council-™) for information from environmental records held on a property in Basingstoke. The complainant specified that he wished to view the records in person. The Council agreed to provide some of the information requested but only on the provision of a set fee, and refused to provide other parts of the information requested. The Commissioner-™s decision is that the Council failed to comply with regulation 5(1) as it failed to make information available on request and regulation 5(2) as it failed to make it available within the statutory time for compliance. The Commissioner found that the Council breached regulation 6(1) as it refused to comply with the complainant-™s request to receive information in a particular format. In addition, the Council has breached regulation 11(4) by failing to provide the outcome of its internal review within 40 working days. The Commissioner requires the Council to make the requested information available for the complainant to inspect within 35 days of this notice.
Section of Act/EIR & Finding: EIR 5 - Complaint Upheld, EIR 5 - Complaint Upheld, EIR 6 - Complaint Upheld, EIR 11 - Complaint Upheld