Summary: The complainant made a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the -Act-) to Ofsted for a copy of the version of the Self-Evaluation Form (SEF) that was used to inform the Ofsted inspection team for the inspection carried out at Shortlanesend CP School (the -School-) on 21 November 2006. Ofsted refused to disclose the requested information upon reliance on the exemptions contained at sections 33, 40(2) and 41 of the Act. The Commissioner considers that Ofsted correctly applied the exemption contained at section 41 of the Act to withhold the requested information. As the Commissioner found that section 41 of the Act was correctly engaged he did not go on to consider Ofsted-s application of section 33 or 40(2) of the Act.
Section of Act/EIR & Finding: FOI 41 - Complaint Not upheld