Summary: The complainant requested information on 5 December 2005 about payments made by the council for legal advice relating to a specific issue. The Council claims to have responded to this request, but the complainant has alleged that he has not received the information. On 10 July 2006 the complainant asked for this information to be resent. He did not receive a response. The Commissioner asked for the information to be sent again to the complainant, and for copies to be sent to him. The Council claims to have sent the information again, to both the complainant and the Commissioner, however neither party has received it. The Commissioner considers that the Council has failed to respond to the request of 10 July 2006 and has therefore breached the Act. The Commissioner considers that it is more likely than not that the Council has failed to comply with its obligations under the Act in relation to the request of 5 December 2005. The Commissioner requires the Council to supply the complainant with the information requested.
Section of Act/EIR & Finding: FOI 1 - Complaint Upheld