Summary: The complainant requested information seen by Cabinet Members of Denbighshire County Council (DCC) in relation to the unexpected retirement of the Corporate Director of Lifelong Learning. The complainant had been in correspondence with DCC about its response to earlier FOIA requests of a similar nature submitted by other parties. DCC's response did not explicitly state which exemption it sought to apply when refusing to provide the requested information, and nor did it offer an internal review or provide the information about the complainant's right to complain to the Commissioner. The Commissioner has decided that DCC therefore failed to comply with some of its procedural obligations under FOIA when responding to this request. The Commissioner recognises that DCC was alluding to section 40 (Personal Data) as the basis for its refusal. Having examined the information caught by the scope of this request, the Commissioner decided that DCC had correctly applied section 40 in the circumstances of this case. More information about the Commissioner's reasoning in this case can be found in the decision notice transcript.
Section of Act/EIR & Finding: FOI 40 - Complaint Upheld