Summary: The complainant requested information concerning refuse collection and complained that the response to his request was inadequate and was not provided within 20 working days. The Commissioner agreed that a response had not been given within the timescale provided by the Act. He also found that although a good deal of information had been provided to the complainant, one part of the request had not been properly answered. Following the intervention of the Commissioner, the public authority responded to the aspect of the information request that it had previously failed to address. There is no evidence available to the Commissioner that suggests that further relevant recorded information has been withheld from the complainant. As there is no outstanding breach of The Environmental Information Regulations 2004 remedial action by the public authority is not required. The Information Tribunal has ruled on this decision and has upheld this appeal.
Section of Act/EIR & Finding: EIR 5 - Complaint Upheld, EIR 5 - Complaint Upheld