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Die Mercurii, 4° Martii, 1942
The Lord Chancellor
One of the
grounds on which the Appellants resisted the claim of
Respondents under the policy was that, in view of the terms of
Agreement of October nth, 1934, between the Respondents or
predecessors and Messrs. Holmes, Mullin and Dunn, Ltd., the
for the damage did not rest upon the Respondents at all.
By Clause
I of this Agreement the Respondents, when requested to
do so by
Holmes and Co., were bound to deliver petroleum spirit
Holmes and Co. had for disposal to any destination within
Ireland. The delivery was to be by tank lorries at an
agreed scale
of freights. The lorries were to be loaded at the instal-
of Holmes and Co. at Larne, and the Respondents were to
sufficient tank lorries at Larne to transport all the spirit
might be given to them for delivery. The Respondents were to
the spirit, while in transit, insured against fire and
spillage and were
to dress all their employees engaged in such
delivery in such
uniforms as Holmes and Co. might direct. The
Respondents under-
took to effect all necessary insurances under
the Workmen's Com-
pensation Acts and to be accountable to Holmes
and Co. for the
product entrusted to them for delivery. The Clause
of the Agree-
ment mainly relied upon by the Appellants as
establishing that, at
the time of the accident, Davison was the
servant, not of the
2 [2]
Before this House, the
Appellants limited themselves to arguing
the two questions set out
As to the first question, no one
disputes the proposition that
a man may be in the general
employment of X. and yet at the
relevant moment, as the result of
arrangements made between X.
and a third party, may be the servant
of the third party so as to
make the third party and not X.
responsible for his negligence.
And I agree that the test to be
applied is the test formulated by
Bowen L.J. in Donovan v.
Laing, etc., Syndicate [1893] 1 QB 629,
at p. 633, viz.,
" in whose employment the man was at the time
" when the
acts complained of were done, in this sense, that by
" the
employer is meant the person who has a right at the moment
to control the doing of the act." If it were true that the
of the written agreement under which the Board's petrol
was to carry and deliver Holmes & Co.'s petroleum
spirit to its
destination was to lend the vehicle and its driver
to Holmes & Co.,
it might well be that while making delivery
at the garage Davison
was not acting as the servant of the
Respondents but as the servant
of Holmes & Co. Bowen L.J., in
Moore v. Palmer, 2 T.L.R. 781,
at p. 782, emphasised
that "the great test was this, whether the
" servant was
transferred, or only the use and benefit of his work."
as Lord Chief Justice Andrews observes, the provisions of
agreement point irresistibly to the conclusion that the Agree-
was one of carriage and delivery to be performed by the
of the Respondents with their own servants: it was
not a contract
for the hiring out of lorries and men, or of
[3] 3
lending them to Holmes & Co.
to enable them to effect delivery.
Clause 9 of the Agreement does
not, in my opinion, run counter
to this view. The provision that
the Transport Co.'s employees
shall accept and obey the orders of
Holmes & Co. regarding
delivery means that they shall carry
out delivery orders, not that
at some moment of the transit and
delivery (Mr. Macaskie prefers
to fix the moment no later than the
time when they take on their
load of spirit at Lame) they became
servants of Holmes & Co.
In truth, the position of the
Respondents under the contract is
not that of people who lend
vehicles and drivers for the hirers to
direct, but of independent
contractors who undertake by the use
of their own vehicles and by
the activities of their own servants
to produce the results, i.e.,
the deliveries, as ordered by Holmes
& Co. The decision of the
Court of Appeal, overruling Brown J.
on this matter, cannot be
successfully impeached.
I move that the Appeal be dismissed with costs.
The Lord Chancellor :
Lord Wright
[5] 2
never rule another case and are
only useful so far as similarity of
facts (for identity, the word
so often used, is really a convenient
misnomer) are a help and
guide to decision. But all
the same, it has been sought to find
some general idea, or
perhaps mere catchword, which may serve as a
clue to solve the
problem, and for this purpose the idea or the
word " control"
has been introduced. Thus Lord Dunedin
in Bain v. Central
Vermont Railway Co., 1921, 2 A.C.
412 at p. 416 quotes the
following language of Bowen L.J. in
Donovan v. Laing Syndi-
cate, 1893, 1 Q.B. 629, at
p. 639. " We have only to consider in
" whose employment
the man was at the time when the acts com-
" plained of were
done, in this sense, that by the employer is meant
" the
person who has a right at the moment to control the doing
of the act". If that were a complete statement of what
L.J. said, I should be driven to question whether it was not
vague and indeterminate to afford any useful guidance. But
L.J. did not stop there. Indeed Lord Dunedin merely gives
quotation as the first sentence of what Bowen L.J. said. The
Chief Justice in the present case quotes the remainder of the
age and this indicates that the word " control"
needs explana-
tion and gives some notion of what is necessary
before one
man's servant becomes pro hac vice the servant
of another man.
It seems to be assumed in all these cases, no
doubt rightly, that the
man acquiesces in the temporary change of
master, though that
may have consequences to him in regard to
wages, workmen's
compensation, common employment and the like.
Bowen L.J.
completes his statement thus: " There are two ways
in which
" a contractor may employ his men and his machines.
He may
" contract to do the work and, the end being
prescribed, the means
" of arriving at it may be left to him.
Or he may contract in a
" different manner, and, not doing
the work himself, may place his
" servants and plant under
the control of another—that is, he may
" lend them—and
in that case he does not retain control over the
" work".
It was held on the facts of that case, that the latter
applied. In his judgment in Moore v. Palmer, 2
781, Bowen L.J. states a more concise criterion: "The
test is this, whether the servant was transferred or only
the use and benefit of his work". Control is not here
as the test. There are many transactions and relation-
ships in
which a person's servant is controlled by another
person in the
sense that he is required to obey the latter's
directions. Such
was the case of Quarman v. Burnett, 6 M. &
499. Its authority has never been questioned. The Defendants
were sued for the negligent driving of a coachman employed
by a
jobmaster, who had contracted with the Defendants, who were
ladies, to send horses and a driver for their coach. It is
that the ladies were intended to direct the times when and the
to and from which they took their drives. That was cer-
tainly a
measure of control, but what, it was held, was there
was the use and benefit of the coachman's work.
The coachman did
not become the servant of the Defendants.
Instances of this sort
are common. In McCartan's case (supra)
the use and
benefit of the Harbour Company's crane and its driver
transferred. The driver of necessity had to obey the direc-
as to lowering and hoisting given by those conducting
operation, but it was held that there was no transfer of
Another illustration is afforded by Cameron v.
1893 AC 308. The question there was whether steve-
could plead the defence of common employment against
a servant of
the shipowner whose vessel they were dis-
charging. The Plaintiff
had been injured by the negligence
of one of the shipowner's
servants. It was held that there
was no common employment because
the negligent employee
had not become the shipowner's servant. No
doubt he had
3 [6]
in many respects to obey the
directions of the shipowners. Lord
Herschell, however, thus
summed up the position: 'There was
" no express agreement
with regard to the extent to which the
" master and mate
should have control over them [sc. the steve-
" dore's
servants]. That control is only to be implied from the
circumstances in which they were employed. The relation of
stevedore to shipowner is a well-known relation, involving no
doubt the right of the master of the vessel to control the order in
which the cargo should be discharged, and various other incidents
of the discharge, but in no way putting the servants of the steve-
dores so completely under the control and at the disposition of
the master as to make them the servants of the shipowner, who
neither pays them, nor selects them, nor could discharge them, nor
stand in any other relation to them than this, that they are the
servants of a contractor employed on behalf of the ship to do a
particular work ". Lord Herschell there emphasises that it is
extent of control which is material to be considered. But he
stresses the other elements which make up the relationship
master and servant and which have to be considered before
can be held that there has been a transfer of the man's service
his general employer to the other who is said to be his
employer. It is, I think, clear that the presumption
is all against
there being such a transfer. Most cases can
be explained on
the basis of there being an understanding that the
man is to obey
the directions of the person with whom the employer
has a contract,
so far as is necessary or convenient for the
purpose of carrying
out the contract. Where that is the position
the man who receives
directions from the other person does not
receive them as a servant
of that person, but receives them as
servant of his employer.
Where the contract is a running contract,
for the rendering of
certain services over a period of time, the
places where, and the
times at which, the services are to be
performed, being left to
the discretion (subject to any
contractual limitations) of the other
contracting party, there
must be someone who is to receive the
directions as to performance
from the other party, and they are
given to the employer, whether
he receives them personally or by a
clerk or by the servant who is
actually sent to do the work. That I
think is the position here.
The contract is of a character very com-
mon between the owner of
lorries or other vehicles and one who
wants to hire them for the
conveyance of his goods. In principle
the facts here are
indistinguishable from those in Quarman v.
(supra). Davison was subject to the control of Holmes
and Dunn, Ltd., only so far as was necessary to enable
Respondents to carry out their contract. In doing so he
the Respondents' servant. They paid him and alone
could dismiss
him. Even in acting on the directions of Holmes
Mullin and
Dunn, Ltd., he was bound to have regard to para-
mount directions
given by the Respondents and was to safeguard
their paramount
interests. This appears from the course of busi-
ness followed,
and is confirmed by the agreement dated the 11th
October, 1934,
made between Holmes Mullin and Dunn, Ltd.,
and the Respondents'
predecessor in title, in whose shoes it is
admitted that the
Respondents stand. It is a contract which
was intended to
remain in force and has remained in force
over a period
of years, and provided for the carriage of
petrol or
like products to any destination within Northern
at the request of Holmes" Mullin and Dunn, Ltd. Clause
provides that the employees of the Respondents or
predecessors engaged in the delivery should accept the
orders of
Holmes Mullin and Dunn, Ltd., " regarding such
delivery, the pay-
" ment of accounts and all matters
incidental thereto ". These are
just the matters in respect
of which, for the convenient performance
of the contract, the
lorrymen employed would naturally be required
to obey the wishes
of those for whom the petrol was being carried.
[7] 4
I do not find anything in the
rest of the agreement to lead to any
other conclusion. It is not,
however, necessary to make any nice
examination of its terms. A
question of this sort must be decided
on the broad effect of the
contract. I do not attach any decisive
effect to the proviso to
Clause 9 that nothing in the agreement is to
be construed to mean
that the Respondents' employees are to be
taken as employees of
Holmes Mullin and Dunn, Ltd., because it
could not bind third
parties. I think on the whole the agreement
goes to support the
view that the parties did not contemplate that
what the agreement
stipulated should involve any transference of
servants, as
contrasted with transference of service.
Each case of this character must be decided on its particular facts.
I therefore do not think it
necessary to refer to any other of the
cases which have been
cited. In the great majority the conclusion
has been against the
servants being transferred from the general
employer. Nor do I
consider the cases where a man has been held
to have become the
servant of someone who was not otherwise his
employer, by
voluntarily doing work for him.
The act of a workman in lighting
his pipe or cigarette is an act
done for his own comfort and
convenience and, at least generally
speaking, not for his
employer's benefit. But that last condition
is no longer essential
to fix liability on the employer (Lloyd v.
Grace Smith
and Co., 1912 AC 716). Nor is such an act prima
negligent. It is in itself both innocent and harmless.
The negli-
gence is to be found by considering the time when and
the circum-
stances under which the match is struck and thrown
down. The
duty of the workman to his employer is so to conduct
himself in
doing his work as not negligently to cause damage
either to the
employer himself or his property or to third persons
or their
property, and thus to impose the same liability on the
employer as
if he had been doing the work himself and committed
the negligent
act. This may seem too obvious as a matter of common
sense to
require either argument or authority. I think what
plausibility the
contrary argument might seem to possess results
from treating the
act of lighting the cigarette, in abstraction
from the circumstances,
as a separate act. This was the line taken
by the majority judg-
ment in Williams v. Jones, 3 H. &
C. 602. But Mellor and Blackburn
JJ. dissented, rightly as I
think. I agree also with the decision of
the Court of Appeal in
Jefferson v. Derbyshire Farmers, Ltd, 1921,
2 K.B. 281, which is in
substance on the facts indistinguishable
from the present case.
In my judgment the appeal should be dismissed.
Lord Porter
(18432) Wt. 8142—33 20 3/42 D.L. G. 338