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The main object of this Order was to obtain authority to construct a tramway about three miles in length between Barrhead and Thornliebank, thus giving direct tramway communication between Glasgow and Barrhead. The Order was opposed by the County Council of Renfrew, the Clyde Valley Electrical Power Company, and by Sir John Stirling Maxwell of Pollok. In the course of proceedings a settlement was arrived at with all the objectors. To meet the views of the County Council the promoters agreed to expend £750 towards the expense of widening a certain bridge. The opposition of the Clyde Valley Electrical Power Company was met by an undertaking by the promoters not to enter into any agreement with the Corporation of Glasgow for the supply of electrical energy without the consent of the objectors. The promoters agreed to construct the tramway line on ground belonging to Sir John Stirling Maxwell at the side of the public road instead of in the centre of the road as proposed in the draft Order.
Heard in Edinburgh 25th and 26th July 1907.