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[2011] UKFTT 827 (TC)
Appeal number: TC/2010/09315
APPEAL OUT OF TIME – application for extension in light of Enersys decision - extension refused.
TNT GRS 2008 LIMITED Appellant
- and -
TRIBUNAL: Judge Richard Barlow
Sitting in public at Manchester, on 15 November 2011
Tim Brown of counsel for the Appellant
Alan Bates of counsel, instructed by the General Counsel and Solicitor to HM Revenue and Customs, for the Respondents
4. The tribunal released its decision in Enersys Holdings UK Limited [2010] UKFTT 20 (TC) on 11 January 2010.
9. Mr Brown cited Data Select [2011] UKFTT 535 (TC) as persuasive authority for the proposition that when considering whether to allow an extension of time for submitting an appeal the Tribunal should have regard to CPR Rule 3.9(1) and I agree that is appropriate.