Gary Canavan v Kirsty Ann Millward (Beneficial interests, trusts and restrictions : Express agreement) [2018] UKFTT 388 (PC) (03 May 2018)
[2018] UKFTT 388 (PC). Application for registration of a restriction on the basis of a claimed equitable interest in the Respondent-™s property. It was accepted that the parties were engaged at the time that the Applicant made financial contributions to renovations at the property. The Applicant failed to attend and there is brief statement of reasons in relation to the decision to proceed in his absence. There is also a brief discussion of the approach to take to witness statement evidence where the maker of the statement does not attend to give oral evidence. Held that there was an agreement between the parties that the Applicant would not acquire a beneficial interest in the property notwithstanding his financial contribution - application cancelled.
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