Complainant: sanofi-aventis
Country: France
Respondent: Secure Web
Country: Panama
I hereby certify that I am satisfied that Nominet has sent the complaint to the respondent in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 4 of the Procedure. x Yes No
The complainant has, to my reasonable satisfaction, shown Rights in respect of a name or mark which is identical or similar to the Domain name. x Yes No
The complainant has, to my reasonable satisfaction, shown that the Domain name [] is an Abusive Registration
x Yes No
I am satisfied no other factors apply which would make a summary decision unconscionable in all the circumstances.
x Yes No
Having decided that the Domain Name in the hands of the Respondent is an Abusive Registration, the Expert directs that the Domain Name is transferred to the Complainant.
Signed: Niall Lawless Dated: 30th January 2009
Nominet Expert