1. The Parties:
Complainant: Royal Academy of Arts
Country: United Kingdom
Respondent: River Cruise Investments Limited
Country: Australia
2. The Domain Name:
3. Notification of Complaint
I hereby certify that I am satisfied that Nominet has sent the complaint to the respondent in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 4 of the Procedure.
x Yes ... No
4. Rights
The complainant has, to my reasonable satisfaction, shown Rights in respect of a name or mark which is identical or similar to the Domain Name.
x Yes ... No
5. Abusive Registration
The complainant has, to my reasonable satisfaction, shown that the Domain Name royalacadamy.org.uk is an Abusive Registration.
x Yes ... No
6. Other Factors
No other factors apply which would make a summary decision unconscionable in all the circumstances.
x Yes ... No
7. Decision
Signed Jane Seager Dated 13 October 2008